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How To Get Back My Ex - Find Out Best Tactics For Winning Back Ex-Love Easily

Change your style to show deeper changes to your ex GF

In order to re-attract your ex GF you may need to change up your style ( how to get your ex girlfriend back fast ). There is not a whole lot that you need to do besides change up your style. It is difficult to make yourself look good after a breakup because you tend to want to just lie around the house. Now is the best time for you to get some new clothes. You’re new outer shell will signal the deeper changes that are happening underneath. If you haven´t changed your wardrobe in several years it is especially important to try a new look. Remember that you don´t have to spend all your money to look good. By purchasing just a few new items you can use them to look sharp and clean and more grown up. Just flip through a men’s magazines or look to a movie star for a few style suggestions. Once your ex finds something changed in you she will be dying of curiosity and wondering why and how it happened.

Win back your ex-girlfriend by being social and fun

You can impress your ex girlfriend by making friends with other girls ( how to get an ex girlfriend back ). It is important that you do not get this step confused with pursuing another girl. If you hook up with another girl and she finds out your chances of getting back together are severely diminished.  If she knows that you are chasing other girls she may become very jealous and chase after another guy. If you have platonic girlfriends you can show your ex that nice and intelligent girls enjoy being around you. If it is subtle enough it will make your ex-girlfriend feel more interested. If you surround yourself with friends it will show her that you are moving on. She will see that you are a valuable guy who people treasure and she will be more likely to rethink her decision. Demonstrate that you are content with her or without her by showing up to parties and enjoying yourself. If your paths cross make sure you show her the humor and confidence that she fell for the first time.

 Friendship with your ex is one step closer to mending your relationship

Before you get back together with your GF it is essential that you slowly work up to a friendship. Perhaps you both do not trust each other as much as you should and now you can fix that. Trust is a very important thing for girls and you want to show her that she can trust you again. In the beginning try to have meetings and conversations with her that are brief but enjoyable. You do not want to rush this process so make boundaries for yourself for how often you will see her. Let her know that you feel positive about her as a person and that you'd like to be friends with them. Do fun things like going out to coffee or riding your bikes around town.  Without saying anything you want to remind her of the great times that you two had together before the break up. Have conversations about things you both find funny and remember to act confident and playful. Do not fall back into negative old patterns from the relationship and continue to develop your own interests.

Stop being jealous and win your ex GF back quickly

There is nothing women hate more than a boyfriend who is jealous. Feelings of jealousy are covers for other unattractive traits like fear and anxiety ( how to get back my ex ). It is also a non-verbal cue to your ex-girlfriend that you are trying to control her. No woman wants to feel threatened or emotionally manipulated by jealousy. Start by identifying what situations make you feel jealous and how you usually respond. If your self-confidence is low you probably experience jealousy quite often. Your low self-confidence may have started because of the break up and fear associated with it. Realize that you are good enough and even when you mess up it is just a chance to learn something new. Instead of comparing yourself to others try and concentrate on your positive skills and character traits. Recognize that paranoia is a part of jealousy and when you start to feel jealous don’t respond in your default pattern.